Many people are struggling with unresolved psychological trauma but don’t realize it. Most trauma is unrecognized and consequently unresolved, silently eroding your quality of life. This self-assessment will help identify if unresolved trauma is holding you back.

How to use this assessment

The assessment is organized into 12 catagories with the symptoms of each described below. If you identify with any of the catagories 1-4, this is an indicates MILD unresolved trauma. If you identify with any of the catagories in 5-8, this is an indicates of SERIOUS unresolved trauma. If you identify with any of the catagories in 9-12, this indicates SEVERE unresolved trauma.

  • 1) Do you experience any of the following signs of prolonged emotional distress?

    Check all that apply.
  • 2) Do you recognize a pattern of out of control or self-harming behaviors?

    Check all that apply.
  • Indulgent behaviors that distract from feelings:
  • Avoidant behaviors that ignore feelings:
  • Defensive patterns:
  • 3) Are you unable to tolerate feelings, conflicts, or your inner experience?

    Check all that apply.
  • Indulgent behaviors that distract from feelings:
  • Feelings of depression:
  • Feelings of panic:
  • 4) Do you experience acute signs of physiological distress?

    Check all that apply.
  • Do you tend to think in black and white, or experience other cognitive distortions?
  • Patterns of distorted thinking:
  • 5) Self-harming behaviors (obvious or hidden):

    Check all that apply.
  • 6) Do you experience disorganized (problematic) attachment patterns?

    Check all that apply.
  • Inability to “let go” of:
  • Difficulty maintaining healthy relationships:
  • 7) Do you feel intense self-blame, shame or feelings of unworthiness, or that your life is ruined?

    Check all that apply.
  • Beliefs that you are:
  • 8) Are you stuck in the Victim/Rescuer/Perpetrator Triangle?

    Check all that apply.
  • Beliefs that you are:
  • 9) Do you find yourself thinking about suicide?

    Check all that apply.
  • 10) Do you experience pathological dissociation?

    Check all that apply.
  • 11) Do you experience symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?

    Check all that apply.
  • 12) Do you have extensive or co-morbid/multiple diagnoses?

    Check all that apply.
  • *Assessment assembled by Bonnie Ayotte of Soulscapes Counseling.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.