Breaking Free Services

Anxiety & Depression Counseling

Have you felt an increase in anxiety and depression? If you are looking for a certified counselor for anxiety and depression in a wide Bellingham radius or most of Whatcom and Skagit counties, Sears Taylor can help you.

Effective Counseling for anxiety and depression

Sears Taylor is known for handling his clients with utmost empathy to make sure that a unique bond of trust, compassion and comradeship is established. Clients going through traumatic experiences feel very cared for in his sessions. His compassion, listening skills, and proven techniques guide the customers to feel safe and also progress towards a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
Sears Taylor, MA, LMHC (Licensed Mental Health Counselor)
WA state licensed counselor for anxiety and depression, Sears Taylor takes a pragmatic, concerned, client-focused strategy in PTSD therapy and also therapy to assist customers identify their requirement for purpose and significance in life. He believes this can assist individuals experience joy, peace, and complete satisfaction. Sears is the sort of person who can constantly find the good in every situation and is actually concerned about his customers, good friends, and also affiliates. Therefore, he assists in motivating them to get through the tough times they encounter in life. Sears is one of the very best as he has had a great deal of success dealing with all types of men and women who experienced trauma in their past that affects issues today. We supply a wide array of counseling services for various individuals.
Contact To Schedule Today

In-Person or Virtual Sessions

Since the pandemic, fewer sessions have been in-person. The good news is you can be anywhere and benefit from his online counseling and therapy sessions. Just contact us and make an appointment.

Hear it From Sears Taylor

Sears Taylor shares his heart for Breaking Free Counseling

Sears knows firsthand the struggles that many veterans, first responders, and others face after traumatic events. Watch the video below to learn how he empowers people to break free from their past and rediscover joy in their lives.

Is Unresolved Trauma Holding You Back?

Request an initial assessment with Sears Taylor to learn whether unresolved trauma is behind your struggles and what you can do about it.